Friday, 17 January 2014

Brief Insight into the Benefits of Investment Planning

It is an obvious fact that ordinary people d not have much understanding of investment plans. Hence, whenever they take the first move, they seek guidance and help from professionals. An investment planner provides assistance in terms of advice, understanding of the various investment plans, their benefits and the immediate risks.

Let us take a brief look at how this industry works. 

There are primarily 2 kinds of investment scheme:

  • ·        Direct
  • ·        Collective

In the first type, you do not have to face the volatility of the market shares. This is because; these shares are issued by the government. If you buy a share, then you will get the full amount upon its maturity. This kind of an investment is subject to low risk factors. However, an important aspect of it is, you won’t get high price which the share markets offer. The amount is fixed as they are initially traded and gain interest. 

The collective investment scheme is pooled with other investors. Being under the category of pooled investment, they are managed by a fund manager. It is the latter who decides and not you, what range and type of investment should be made. You can get in touch with an investment Planners in Kolkata to avoid hasty decisions related to investment. The market risks are huge and you must take every single step judiciously. Remember, do not always trust your intuition, and instead go for a financial advisor.

In recent times, however, you can deal in online share trading and the need for a broker won’t bother you. With advancement in technology, the ways of the share market operation has undergone changes. You can trade either in NSE or BSE. To get a proper vision of the stock market (bse), you can get in touch with a bse member in Kolkata.

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